Defining Biomedical Waste and Its Subcategories
Biomedical waste can seem confusing to define due to the broad types of waste it encompasses. Learn how this waste is defined and what qualifies.

What Is Blood Waste and How To Dispose of It?
Blood waste is one of the most common medical wastes many Canadian healthcare facilities handle. Learn what blood waste is and how to best manage it.

5 Healthcare Waste Myths Debunked
There are many myths surrounding healthcare waste. Learn about some of the most common myths and how to improve your waste management processes.

Why You Should Report a Sharps Injury
Sharps injuries pose many dangers, not least of which is infection. Learn why it is crucial for healthcare workers to report these injuries.

What Is the Waste Hierarchy?
Healthcare providers across Canada are attempting to reduce waste. Learn everything there is to know about the waste hierarchy and how it can help.

Infection Control and the Medismart Container
The M64 Medismart container is designed with Canadian regulations in mind. Learn how this container can improve safety and break the chain of infection.

What Does a Secure Sharps Container Look Like?
Safety and security are key when working with sharps disposal. Learn what to look for in a sharps container to help prevent injuries and drug diversion.

A Better Approach to Waste Training for Canadian Healthcare Professionals
Medical waste training is key for Canadian healthcare professionals. See how Daniels can help your facility with customised training and education.

Spotlighting Hospital Waste Sustainability with Taylor Maris
See how one of our clinical educators goes above-and-beyond to support our customers with training on compliance and sustainability.

What Happens to Sharps Waste?
What happens after sharps are disposed of in waste containers in Canada? Learn about the regulations surrounding disposing of sharps to ensure compliance.

How Do You Dispose of Cytotoxic Waste?
Learn how healthcare facilities in Canada can safely dispose of cytotoxic waste and the special precautions needed to protect people and the environment.

How Do Reusable Containers Break the Chain of Infection?
Learn about the six links in the chain of infection in healthcare facilities and how reusable waste containers help prevent the spread of infection.