A New Normal in Hospital Waste Management
Safety. Infection Control. Labour and Cost Efficiencies. A new minimum standard.
Bringing thirty eight years clinical experience to Canada Healthcare. Our hospital waste solutions are designed to drive clinical outcomes.
Innovation and Clinical Design
With thirty two years experience in healthcare, and products designed in partnership with clinicians, we are deeply invested in clinical solutions that support safety, efficiency and sustainability in healthcare practices.
Clinical solutions that put safety and healthcare staff first
Through safety-led innovation and infection control solutions
Daniels is changing what it means to manage healthcare waste.
Clinically. Sustainably. Efficiently. Safely.
Working within the Four Walls of Healthcare
Bringing infection control and waste together in a new conversation with a model that drives safety and clinical outcomes Daniels Health is redefining healthcare waste management.
Championing the environmental conversation
We believe in reusable products and technology. Do you?
Daniels is Canada’s industry leader in sustainable container design,
robotic washing technology, and segregation-empowering solutions.
50,000 sharps injuries each year in Canada
It’s not a small number, and it’s one we are passionately committed to reducing
COVID-19. Stay Informed
Keep up to date with Daniel’s service continuity plans and guidance on COVID-19 waste handling and Daniel’s response
We drive Clinical Outcomes in Waste Management
Daniels operates within the four walls of a hospital.
We know healthcare and we are passionate about driving clinical outcomes! Unlike traditional medical waste companies, we don’t focus our attention on the loading dock, we focus within the healthcare environment; reducing waste “touches”, mapping waste flow, optimizing waste streams fo improve segregation and cost management, eliminating needlestick injury and infection transfer risk and minimising patient interruptions. Through waste mapping and audits, clinically designed containment systems, department-level reporting, clinical staff training and storage optimisation, we provide a tailored solution for each facility we work with that optimises costs, safety and efficiencies in sharps and biomedical waste disposal. Daniels’ national service offering enables safe and cost-effective biomedical waste disposal services for small medical clinics and long term care facilities right through to research laboratories and multi-campus hospitals. See how the Daniels Difference has helped Canadian based healthcare facilities:

Infection Prevention and Waste | A new paradigm
Rethinking How biomedical waste Impacts the Clinical Environment
We talk about hand hygiene. We talk about “touches” and the spread of infection. What we don’t talk about is the impact on infection control caused by waste in a patient environment. Bins being wheeled from the ICU through to a loading dock, static containers that never undergo high-pressure wash or sanitization, and open-lidded bins in patient wards. At Daniels, we are rethinking what clinical means when it comes to sharps disposal, pharmaceutical waste security, and biomedical waste management
Sharpsmart. World Leading Sharps Safety Technology
Peer reviewed in four independent studies, clinically proven to reduce Sharps Injuries by up to 87%, and relied on by healthcare facilities around the world, the Sharpsmart system is driven by a single objective – To Save Lives. Designed with 13 safety features, manufactured with needle-impenetrable plastic, a gravity balanced safety tray for risk-free sharps disposal, and a built-in overfill protection mechanism, the Daniels Sharpsmart is the most advanced sharps container system in the world.
Medismart, the future of medical waste management
Infection minimising innovation for the collection of Biomedical Waste
The Daniels Medismart is the first biomedical waste system to truly modernise healthcare waste management. Reducing time and labour, preventing infection transfer, eliminating multi-handling of waste, preventing sharps injuries, and dramatically improving waste segregation, the Medismart ushers in a new era of safe point-of-use and cost-effective biomedical waste disposal.
Why Reusable Sharps containers are better for the environment
As healthcare facilities across Canada increasingly focus on reducing the environmental impact of their waste streams (and as environmental impact regulations increase), it is vital to understand the difference between disposing of sharps, cytotoxic and pharmaceutical waste in ‘reusable’ containers, and disposing of them in ‘disposable’ or ‘recyclable’ containers.
Pharmasmart, secure pharmaceutical waste
Protecting staff and facilities in the collection of expired drugs and pharmaceuticals
Setting a new industry benchmark in secure pharmaceutical waste management, the Pharmasmart system mitigates unnecessary risk for healthcare practitioners and the public in the containment, disposal, transport and destruction of pharmaceutical waste. Eliminating tampering, pillaging and misappropriation of discarded pharmaceuticals, Daniels Pharmasmart delivers absolute security in pharmaceutical waste disposal.
How We Serve You
Across 6 countries, Daniels has become a brand name synonymous with healthcare innovation and service
In 32 years Daniels have become experts in delivering solutions for the niche requirements of healthcare. Today over 165,000 services are fulfilled annually across North America by Daniels owned and operated fleet. From small practices to large medical facilities, our scalable business model ensures that every customer receives:
- Timely scheduled services with clear transparent communication
- Minimum disruption to patient care
- Safety and Security underpinning all biohazardous waste handling practices
- A positive and friendly customer experience
- Cost-effective customised solutions that guarantee efficiencies and maximise savings
Let’s Talk!
Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.