Nos procédés de traitement
Chez Daniels Health nous croyons que les implications environnementales de nos activités de traitement sont d'une importance primordiale ; pour minimiser l'empreinte carbone, nous souscrivons aux méthodes de traitement des déchets biomédicaux les plus respectueuses de l'environnement, conformément à la réglementation et aux lignes directrices environnementales d'Environnement Canada et des provinces, et nous n'incinérons les déchets biomédicaux que là où c'est obligatoire.
En tant que gardiens de la responsabilité de nos clients en matière de déchets du berceau à la tombe, nous nous engageons à effectuer tous les traitements de manière responsable, conformément à la législation, aux réglementations, aux codes de pratique, aux normes et aux exigences de la licence.
Notre technologie AutoClave
Toutes les installations Daniels sont équipées d'autoclaves à vapeur sous vide intégral Bondtech, qui acceptent jusqu'à sept grands chariots par cycle de traitement et chauffent le contenu à une température moyenne de 140°C en utilisant une pression de 30 psi. Nos autoclaves sont alimentés au gaz naturel et utilisent une chaudière pour générer la vapeur nécessaire au traitement des déchets
Weigh & Scan
Trained waste processing personnel weigh and barcode scan each collector; thereafter the applicable data is recorded against the manifest number and permanently saved electronically.
Sterilisation & Loading
At the completion of the (approximate) 45-60 minute waste sterilisation cycle, the autoclave bins are removed from the autoclave and staged for disposal.
Volume Reduction
Waste contents by this stage have been reduced (melted) and comingled with all other waste, representing a volume less than 50% of the original volume.
Landfill Disposal
Autoclave bin contents are mechanically emptied into a self-contained (completely sealed) waste compactor for final disposal at an approved local landfill or final destruction at an approved local EFW (energy from waste) incinerator, where available.
State of the Art Autoclave Technology
Wherever possible, Daniels Health opt for non-incineration
treatment technologies that support sustainability targets.
Trained Waste Processing personnel weigh and barcode scan each and every collector and the applicable data is recorded against the manifest number and permanently saved electronically. The collectors are opened and the bagged waste contents are emptied into a 4’ x 4’ x 4’ lined stainless steel autoclave bin which, when filled, is loaded into the autoclave for high temperature / high pressure steam sterilisation.
At the completion of the (approximate) 45-60minute waste sterilisation cycle, the autoclave bins are extracted from the autoclave and staged for disposal. By this stage the waste contents have been reduced (melted) and comingled with all other waste and represent a volume less than 50% of the original volume. Any waste identification labels have been either completely destroyed by the high temperature and/or illegibly covered with melted plastic liners.
Autoclave bin contents are then mechanically emptied into a waste compactor or walking-floor trailer for final approved landfill disposal. Upon arrival at approved municipal landfill, the landfill operator digs a hole at the working face and the compactor contents are emptied into the hole. The landfill operator then covers the treated biomedical waste with a minimum of 12 inches of ground cover or other waste, which is then compacted and continuously covered with more waste, until that area of the landfill is considered filled to capacity.
Upon completion of this comprehensive sterilisation process, final sign off is applied to the manifest certifying complete destruction of all biomedical and pharmaceutical waste.