Educational Resources

Mode d’emploi de CT64 Chemosmart

Cette procédure opérationnelle sécuritaire renseigne les utilisateurs sur l’utilisation de CT64 Chemosmart, le principal contenant pour déchets cytotoxiques de Daniels.

Educational Resources

4 Mode d’emploi pour les contenants Sharpsmart

Cette procédure opérationnelle sécuritaire renseigne les utilisateurs sur l’utilisation du contenant S64 Sharpsmart.

Educational Resources

Sharpsmart Regular Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the Sharpsmart collector.

Educational Resources

4 Operating Instructions for Sharpsmart Containers

Four simple tips to ensure you get the most safe and cost effective use of your Sharpsmart container.

Educational Resources

Mode d’emploi de Sharpsmart AccessPlus

Cette procédure opérationnelle sécuritaire renseigne les utilisateurs sur l’utilisation du contenant réutilisable Sharpsmart AccessPlus pour objets pointus et tranchants.

Educational Resources

S64 Sharpsmart Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the S64 Sharpsmart container.

Educational Resources

Sharpsmart AccessPlus Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the Sharpsmart AccessPlus reusable sharps container.

Educational Resources

P64 Pharmasmart Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the P64 Pharmasmart container.

Educational Resources

CT64 Chemosmart Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the CT64 Chemosmart, Daniels’ leading cytotoxic waste container.

Educational Resources

M64 Medismart Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the M64 Medismart biomedical waste container.

Educational Resources

R64 Surgismart Operating Instructions

This safe operating procedure instructs users on the use of the R64 Surgismart container.

Educational Resources

Loading Configurations For Medium Transporters

A Guide for Daniels Lite Medium Transporters; this document educates how to optimise the loading efficiencies of the Daniels transporter to maximise use of its internal space.