‘How To’ Instructions
Safety, efficiency, storage and hygiene tips for the use of your new Daniels Sharpsmart container… you are going to love it!
Tip # 1
Don’t Press those Red Tabs Yet!
The Sharpsmart’s temporary locks are located along the front lip of the container, above the label – the permanent locks are located along the sides and can be activated by pressing the red tabs down to slide the locks in place. Once a container is permanently locked, it can only be opened at a Daniels facility. Only activate permanent locks when the container is full.

Container Educational Videos
Your Safety is our Priority.
At Daniels, we are passionate about creating safety-engineered products that save lives. If you have any questions about the use of a Daniels containment system or your current waste movement or collection services, please reach out to one of our customer service professionals so we can assist.