Biomedical Waste Disposal Services
Reliable, cost-effective solutions for biomedical waste, sharps, and pharmaceutical disposal
Redefining Safety in Biomedical Waste
From long term care and surgery centres to hospitals, our partnership delivers:
tu003cliu003eReliable, On-Time Waste Pickupsu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eClinically Designed Binsu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eContract and Pricing Transparencyu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eLocal Customer Supportu003c/liu003e
u003ch2u003eOur Biomedical Waste Managment Starts With u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eYou.u003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003e
No two healthcare facilities are the same, but all share a fundamental objective – to deliver the best patient outcome possible through a safe, clinical and environmentally friendly approach. Our goal is to provide biomedical waste management services that empower improved patient service. Our approach identifies five areas of need as the cornerstone of a successful biomedical waste management partnership – u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eu003cemu003esafetyu003c/emu003eu003c/spanu003e, u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eu003cemu003esustainabilityu003c/emu003eu003c/spanu003e, u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eu003cemu003eefficiencyu003c/emu003eu003c/spanu003e, u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eu003cemu003eeducationu003c/emu003eu003c/spanu003e and u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003eu003cemu003ecomplianceu003c/emu003eu003c/spanu003e. For all healthcare clinics and hospitals, big or small, we provide:
tu003cliu003eIntegrated waste management for all healthcare waste streamsu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eBins and containers for biomedical waste, sharps, pharmaceuticals, anatomical and cytotoxic wasteu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eScheduled services for waste pickups, based on your facility’s waste volumes and storage considerationsu003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eCompliance and education solution to ensure your staff and your cradle to grave risk is protectedu003c/liu003e
Simple, Safe + Secure Biomedical Waste Management
A single waste management expert providing sharps, biomedical waste, pharmaceutical, hazardous waste and compliance expertise. Simplicity and cost effective consolidation in waste management.
Save on overall costs with service frequencies that meet your needs, clinically designed containers sized appropriate to the waste volumes you generate, transparent pricing and waste segregation education.
We’re local, we’re reliable, we’re experienced and we put your needs first. 18 years servicing some of the most trusted hospital brands and thousands of non-acute facilities has established us as the industry expert.
It’s Time We Talked.
If a better solution exists, wouldn’t you choose it?
u003ch2u003eu003cimg class=u0022size-medium wp-image-4096 alignrightu0022 src=u0022×300.pngu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022300u0022 height=u0022300u0022 /u003eWe make it u003cspan class=u0022color-aquau0022u003esimpleu003c/spanu003e.u003c/h2u003e
In our 20+ year history, we’ve seen a lot of trends come and go but one that never seems to go out of fashion is “honesty and simplicity”. We’re family owned with local processing in Vancouver, and we are committed to building partnerships, not transactions… this sometimes makes our approach a little different. The questions we position to our customers are:
tu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eHow can we serve you?u003c/strongu003e This question sits fundamentally at the core of our purpose… how can our people and our solutions deliver a true partnership?u003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eHow can we deliver value?u003c/strongu003e Waste volume reductions, reduced occupational risks, better segregation and reduced overall costs.u003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eHow can we help you navigate?u003c/strongu003e Advice on storage requirements, right-fit containers, how many pickups do you need each month or each quarter.u003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eHow can we keep it honest?u003c/strongu003e We put it in human terms, no tricky contracts or small-print price rise clauses.u003c/liu003e
tu003cliu003eu003cstrongu003eHow can we grow with you?u003c/strongu003e As you grow, we scale with you to continue to drive best practice through education, scheduling and need-driven solutionu003c/liu003e
u003chr /u003e
Brands we partner with
We are proud to have been chosen by many of Canada’s leading medical institutions as vendor of choice for healthcare waste services. Here are some of the healthcare facilities we serve.
Let’s Talk!
Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.